
Panic attacks

Panic attacks

Take the control back.

Are your panic attacks limiting your life? Is it happening too often and in the worst moments? Are they limiting you from doing activities you used to enjoy or having new experiences, travelling or doing social activities? Are you afraid of being judged when it happens in public? Do you feel that nobody would understand you? Are you starting to isolate yourself because of that?

A panic attack is a sudden episode of intense fear and discomfort that triggers severe physical reactions when there is no real danger or reason. So it feels dangerous, even if it isn’t. When panic attacks occur, you might think you’re losing control, having a heart attack or even dying.

The main problem with panic attacks is that it feels like we are suddenly seriously ill when adrenaline kicks in. It can feel like we are suffocating, choking, or having a heart attack.

Many people end up in A&E because they think they have a heart attack, a stroke or are intoxicated.

These physical feelings of adrenaline are normal. The body’s alarm system (adrenalin) is activated to help us escape from a dangerous situation.

Our interpretation of reality plays a critical role in triggering a panic response. Sometimes the problem is not as tricky just as we think it is.
We perfectly understand your panic attacks, they are more common than you think, and Hypnotherapy offers you strategies to cope with them.

We constantly adapt our treatments to our client’s problems and needs. Sessions are individual and confidential. As one session a week is enough, they will not interfere with your day to day duties.

Do you want to take control of your life back? Do you want the panic attacks to be something from the past? What will be the first thing you’ll do when you get rid of them? Travel more, meet more people, maybe more physical activity?

How about starting now?

Tell us,

And we will listen.

For all enquiries about how you can start working with us, please fill out the form, and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

You can also send a message to info@hypnolondon.co.uk

All clients are entitled to a free telephone consultation before the first session.

Treatment costs

An initial call of 20 minutes


One hour session


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